[NEWS] 120430 – 4Minute’s HyunA wants to learn Ballet

Published May 1, 2012 by 4minuteportugal

4Minute’s HyunA confessed that she wants to learn ballet.

On April 30, 4minute made an appearance on YTN “News and Issues – Issues and People,” and confessed their honest thoughts as idol group singers.

On the day, the anchor Lee Kwang Yeon praised 4minute’s HyunA’s dancing skills and said “Your dance reminds me of a mollusk.”

HyunA responded humbly, “I wasn’t born with the talent; I just did a lot of different things when I was a kid, and it just came with it.”

However, HyunA confessed that she wants to learn ballet. She honestly confessed, “I haven’t had a chance to learn ballet and recently I want to learn ballet and modern dance.”

HyunA continued to say, “(Nam) Ji Hyun is a dance major and I envy that.” All the members were good at dancing, but they envied Nam Ji Hyun’s dance skills.

Cr: Soompi | Shared by: 4MINUTEportugal
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